Research and Reference

A graph with information scattered around on the canvas

Community information, homework help and study guides

Government Documents Collection
Access more than 70,000 free Canadian Government publications, digitized by Internet Archive Canada.
See our Government Documents Collection collection on Internet Archive
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Canadian Car Value Guide
Complete the online form to discover the current value of your automobile.
See our Canadian Car Value Guide collection on Carfax
Get help with Carfax
Gale Academic Onefile
Access 15,000 scholarly journals about science, technology, social science, arts, business and more.
See our Gale Academic Onefile collection on Gale
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Access World News
Over 6,500 sources including the Hamilton Spectator from 1991.
See our Access World News collection on NewsBank
Get help with NewsBank
Brainfuse for Students
Real-time help with homework, feedback on essays and skill building for all ages.
See our Brainfuse for Students collection on Brainfuse
Get help with Brainfuse