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Roll of Honour - World War I

A (55) B (156) C (164) D (79) E (35) F (59) G (84) H (153) I (7) J (49) K (40) L (81) M (171) N (26) O (13) P (79) Q (3) R (83) S (180) T (75) U (1) V (17) W (122) Y (14) Z (2)

Rae, J.
Raeburn, Robert
Ralph, D.G.
Ralph, Douglas
Ramage, James B.
Ramsay, Leslie Craddock
Randle, Arthur
Randle, J.C.
Ranger, James B.
Raphael, Lloyd
Ratmage, Thomas
Rayner, Ben. J.
Raynor, Fred
Rea, Ross
Read, Richard
Redbreast, Jacob
Reeves, Fred W.
Reichel, John
Reid, Alexander C.
Reid, Donald
Reid, Peter
Reid, Willie
Rennie, James
Revell, Amos E.
Reynolds, E.A.
Reynolds, George
Rhodes, Albert
Rice, Fred.
Richard, Paul
Richards, Albert E.
Richards, Arthur
Richards, Earl Gordon
Richardson, George A.
Riches, Harold G.
Ridge, Percy Orvel
Ridley, William F.
Rieger, Edward
Riley, Frank L.
Rimmer, Richard
Risby, E.B.
Ritchie, Stephen
Robb, J.
Roberts, Cameron
Roberts, Frank
Roberts, John
Roberts, M. Cameron
Roberts, Thomas
Robertson, David E.
Robertson, F. Bruce
Robertson, James
Robertson, John Walter
Robinson, George W.
Robinson, Richard Smith
Robinson, Victor
Rodgers, W.C.
Roe, Alfred
Rogers, James Thomas
Rogers, Philip
Rogers, Robert C.
Rogers, Thomas
Rogers, William E.
Rollo, George Swan
Rooney, Harold
Roper, Owen
Roper, William
Rorie, Thomas
Roscoe, J.
Rose, Albert
Ross, Duncan
Ross, James
Ross, Joseph Benjamin
Ross, Richard H.
Ross, William
Roszell, George
Roszell, Wm.
Rudd, Percy J.
Runner, Richard
Running, A.L.
Russell, Charles
Russell, Robert
Rutherford, Tomes J.
Ryan, John
Ryckman, Wardell