728.09713521 ORE
Sherwood Branch Elevator Out of Service
Please be advised that the Sherwood Branch elevator is currently out of service. We anticipate the length of disruption to be approximately an hour. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Public Computers Not Available During Dec 3 Study Hall Hours
Public computers will not be available Dec 3 8PM-12AM due to system restoration updates. Thank you for your understanding.
Inter Library Loan Service on Pause
Inter Library Loan (ILLO) service is paused due to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) strike. Thank you for your understanding.
Delayed Branch Openings
Due to Staff training, the following three branches have delayed openings of 10 am.
Tuesday, December 3: Red Hill Branch
Thursday, December 5: Binbrook Branch
Wednesday, December 11: Terryberry Branch
You may visit nearby HPL locations for your library needs. www.hpl.ca/hours
Magazine Delivery Delay
Magazine deliveries are delayed due to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) strike. Thank you for your understanding.
728.09713521 OAK
362.60971352 OLD
BO T497
287.92097135 OLI
796.4 T673
388.41109713 ONE V.1-2
362.2 On81
331.8929713 ONT
331.892971352 ONT
370.730971352 ONT
289.9 OPE
782.10971352 OPE
331.8929713 ONT
373.71352 ORC V.1-3
364.106 ORG
610.92 OSLER
338.7621 OTI
917.1352 OUR
282.713521 OUR
282.713521 OUR